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SEO Consultancy

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Competitor Analysis

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Social Media Marketing

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Success Story

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Our services

How We Can Help?

Keywords Research

Dominate the competitive Perth SEO market with the help of the right keywords to have a top showing in each related google search. Keyword research provides insight into what users are actively searching on the internet, which could be about your business.

We utilise cutting-edge tools to determine the most optimal keyword strategy for your product or service, including your competition. Aside from keyword research, we also steer your content marketing plan towards increasing ranking, visibility, and organic traffic.

Technical SEO

Your site will require a solid digital foundation. Every second of delay your visitor encounters on your website increases abandonment (bounce rate), decreasing potential buyers.

Our technical SEO consultants take steps to ensure your site is simple to navigate and free of technical issues, which will make it easy for search engines to understand and, at the same time, provide a stellar user experience.

On-Page SEO

Google can be unpredictable; one minute, you think you’re doing it right with your SEO Perth, and those established SEO strategies have ceased to work the next. While working on your on-page SEO, we optimise elements on your website, such as meta descriptions and page titles, to name a few.

You can rely on our Perth SEO team to stay on top of updates that impact how your content appears on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Off-Page SEO

At SEO Agency Perth, we don’t just focus on content within your website. We get our hands dirty, taking actions outside it which are just as important in increasing your search engine ranking and domain authority.

Along with our extensive study of your business, our SEO Perth experts add authoritative backlinks and strengthen your social media pages for further link- building and brand mentions.

Performance Monitoring

We track, we measure, and more importantly, we improve, always. Tracking your SEO results is just as vital as planning your search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies

We religiously monitor what works and doesn’t, provide you with perspectives and clarity either way and what we plan to do moving forward. We conduct API monitoring as well as regular checks on the technical stuff.

Why Choose us

Save Time & Effort
With the Ewebot

First Working Process

For startups and growing businesses, an online specialist can develop a digital marketing plan to help you grow.

Dedicated Team Member

Your digital consultant will also be able to kickstart campaigns and maximise your marketing budget.

24/7 Hours Support

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pricing Plans

The Best Solutions for Our Clients

Basic Plan


Basic Plan

SEO Audits

SEO Management

SEO Copywriting

Link Building

Site Migration

Standart Plan


Standart Plan

SEO Audits

SEO Management

SEO Copywriting

Link Building

Site Migration

Premium Plan


Premium Plan

SEO Audits

SEO Management

SEO Copywriting

Link Building

Site Migration

Basic Plan


Basic Plan

SEO Audits

SEO Management

SEO Copywriting

Link Building

Site Migration

Standart Plan


Standart Plan

SEO Audits

SEO Management

SEO Copywriting

Link Building

Site Migration

Premium Plan


Premium Plan

SEO Audits

SEO Management

SEO Copywriting

Link Building

Site Migration


Our Customers


Freequently Ask

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